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Brain Power


When tasked to elevate Cooper Neurological Institute as one of the leaders in the region, we knew the addition of internationally reknown neurologists and new innovative services needed to be highlighted. The “Brain Power” campaign not only shows the significant healing of patients, but acknowledges the exceptional and groundbreaking neurological team.

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Cooper University Health Care–C Campaign


Cooper University Health Care needed to raise awareness about the spectrum of services it provides. GOBI created a new mosaic with their iconic “C” logo that encouraged people to “Take a Closer Look.” Emphasizing the breadth of services – combined with real voices from the community – Cooper cemented their legacy in South Jersey and [...]

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Bancroft NeuroRehab


Bancroft is a leading regional nonprofit provider of programs and services for individuals with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities. GOBI developed a campaign that focuses on Bancroft NeuroRehab as THE expert in their field.

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Cardiac Partners Cooper Inspira


Cooper University Hospital and Inspira Network joined forces to create the most comprehensive cardiac program in South Jersey. GOBI helped introduce this collaboration with an integrated marketing strategy and executed a successful awareness campaign including a new logo that reinforced their partnership.

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